1. Wayne Phillip Rodriguez A.K.A. "Wayne Pyro"
Heavily addicted to clove cigarettes. Prefer fistfight, but may use firearms if necessary. Other than smoke, also obsessed with fire, therefore always end a fight with burning down the whole location. Hence the nickname, "Wayne Pyro"
2. Sergei Carlovic and Seijuro Carlovic
The Carlovic Brothers. Deadly and efficient bounty hunters. While not in "assignment", work part time as performing musicians in a cafe. Their reputation earned their somehow weird nicknames: Sergei "Sabun Cair" Carlovic, and Seijuro "Saos Cabe" Carlovic...
"Sabun Cair" and "Saos Cabe"
3. Leandro Arjuno
One of the good guys. A true expert in extreme sports: parkour, snowboarding, rock climbing, crocodile-wrestling, sky-diving, you name it all. Always trying to perform dangerous and death-defying maneuvers when fighting, which makes him a "frequent customer" to the city hospital. His partners always think he's a bit too risk-taking, so as they always say to him, "You're crazy, Ndro..."
Leandro "You're Crazy, Ndro" Arjuno
4. Corporal Leonard Ibrahim
A cop in the motorcycle division, and by "motorcycle division", I meant more of a "Maniacal speed-holic on two wheels". He hopes that his law-enforcement career can climb as fast as he rides (which is apparently not). Addicted to Toraja coffee. Called with many names such as Leonard "Ride-Hard", "Corporal Camshaft", "Piston Police", "Loose-Cannon Leo", or just "Setan Kolor"...
The latest nickname has a long story behind it.
Sampai sekarang baru segini, sementara itu gue harus pikirin yang lebih penting lagi, yaitu JALAN CERITA... Huff, this is the hardest part.... See ya in the next episode and hopefully it will be soon....