21 January 2013

Ismoyo's advice for DEAD TRIGGER

I'm bored as f**k but also inspiration-less, so no awesome mind-blowing theories or racist jokes this time, just some tips and tricks from an android game that I recently played. This first paragraph is usually to describe what kind of game this is. To save time, just google it yourself : "Dead Trigger"

Done? Okey let's continue...

Note : This article is only for those who download it the legal way (un-rooted), which means no unlimited money cheats or inflatable dicks or other bullcraps. And also for those like me who are too poor to own a credit card, which means no access to super-cool weapons and items which can only be bought with real money. If you are none of the above, then maybe you don't need these tips...

But if you are, then let's start.....

1. Rather than having multiple weapon slots, I prefer to use only one weapon, but with upgraded maximum ammo capacity. Switching weapons in the middle of zombie feast can be irritating, especially for those with small screen phones (like me). Go to the "character" shop and upgrade the ammo. Firepower upgrade is also a must...

2. Do not entirely believe the difficulty descriptions in each mission briefing. Sometimes I find "survival" and "kill all zombies" types of missions are easier than the "defend doors" or "pick up stuff" missions, even if the descriptions mostly say otherwise. Better trust your own preference and experience...

3. Even if you can shoot zombies from distance, it's better to wait until they get close. This is because if they drop some loots (cash or ammo), you don't have to walk too far to pick them up. Unless if you can kill them while they are still in the inaccessible area, their loots will automatically go into your pocket. Or unless if it is a strong type zombie which needs to be killed before it gets close...

4. BLADE CUTTERS ARE AWESOME. Yes, laser cutters and turrets provide greater damage, but blade cutters are cheaper and can last for the whole mission. They are also more reliable than turrets which need cooling-down time, or laser cutters where sometimes zombies can avoid them due to slow rotation speed. Just put them in the right spot and watch those zombies crawl. If you can upgrade to two item slots, choose bandages and blade cutters....

5. For "survival" or "kill all zombies" type of missions, sometimes the area have a "camping spot" where zombies can approach you only from one side. Try exploring the area to find the best spot that suits your shooting style. Put a Blade Cutter in the bottle-neck path, and it's almost impossible to fail the mission...

6. Some other reviews prefer assault rifles to shotguns. I haven't tried shotguns before in this game, but high chance I will agree with them. Playing an FPS game on touch screen will be different compared to playing with mouse and keyboard. Most FPS player will need some time to adapt with the aiming system, and doing this with a shotgun will probably waste a lot of ammo (thus spending half of the time being eaten while reloading). Automatic rifles on the other hand, allow you to "aim while firing". AK-47 is so far the best value-for-price weapon I have tried... 

7. Careful not to use too many items in one mission, especially if it is not the main quest, or you will actually lose money. For example, using a $1200 turret in a mission that will only rewards you with $500...

8. There is also a good tip to legally get a lot of cash here

That's all for now. Good luck !!

20 January 2013

Tiga Kafe Kecil

Aku berjalan menyusuri pinggiran kota, ketika kutemui sebuah kafe kecil. Karena lapar, aku pun memutuskan untuk masuk....

Kafe itu berkesan mewah, dengan menu makanan dan minuman dalam bahasa asing yang sulit dieja.

Pengunjung-pengunjung lain terlihat ramah, maka aku memutuskan untuk bercakap-cakap dengan mereka.

Rupanya, topik percakapan mereka seputar akuisisi perusahaan, peluang investasi, pergantian manajemen, masa depan bisnis telekomunikasi, tenaga listrik serta perminyakan, jenjang karir, lowongan pekerjaan, kiat-kiat bekerja, dan lain sebagainya...

Tidak lama, aku pun bosan, setelah satu gelas minuman, aku memutuskan untuk meninggalkan kafe tersebut.


Setelah berjalan sebentar, aku menemui sebuah kafe lagi...

Kafe kedua ini memiliki tema tradisional sederhana, dimana semua orang duduk bersila, dengan menu makanan kedaerahan...

Aku melihat orang-orang membawa serta keluarga mereka, sehingga banyak anak kecil berlarian di dalam kafe. 

Mereka saling bercakap-cakap seputar keluarga, seperti siapa yang akan menikah, siapa yang baru memiliki anak, siapa yang baru lulus sekolah, dan sebagainya. Mereka memang sepertinya ramah padaku, tetapi aku harus berpura-pura tertarik dalam mendengarkan setiap omongan mereka. Sulit rasanya menahan kantuk...

Kafe ini lebih membosankan dari kafe pertama. Aku tidak jadi memesan makanan dan secepatnya keluar dari kafe tersebut...


Pada akhirnya sampailah aku di kafe ketiga. Kafe ini memiliki sebuah televisi yang menayangkan pertandingan gulat, serta terdengar musik latar belakang Rock tahun 80'an...

Baru saja aku masuk, dan salah satu pengunjung menghampiriku...

Ia mengajukan sebuah teka-teki, "Orang Madura dan orang Betawi duduk dalam satu mobil, siapa yang nyetir?"

Aku tidak tahu. Kubilang, "Nyerah..."

Lalu ia mengatakan, "Polisi..."




Sepertinya aku memutuskan akan lebih lama berada di kafe yang ini...