Baiklah, sementara menunggu episode selanjutnya dari Joni Dropkick, silakan baca another side-story yang ditulis oleh teman saya, Azimutant Broderick, disini : LINK
28 January 2011
24 January 2011
15 January 2011
Kalimat itu terdengar dari meja sebelah. Aku menurunkan koranku sedikit untuk melihat dari siapa suara itu berasal. Orang itu memakai topi baseball abu-abu dan jaket jeans. Gambarannya sedikit berbeda dengan keterangan saksi, namun itu juga dari keterangan satu tahun yang lalu....
Kuletakkan koranku, membayar tagihan makanan, dan menghampiri meja dimana orang itu duduk.
"Kau Joni Dropkick?", tanyaku pada pria dengan topi abu-abu.
"Betul, anda sendiri siapa?"
"Detektif Casper Lawrence.", kataku sambil menunjukkan lencana kepolisian Moyoland. "Bisa ikut saya ke belakang?". Aku menunjuk pintu samping rumah makan yang menuju ke gang belakang...
"Ada masalah apa, detektif?", ia bertanya balik sambil menatap mataku tajam-tajam.
"Tolong ikut saya saja ke luar..."
Ia pun bangkit juga dari kursinya, dan berjalan mengikutiku menuju ke pintu belakang. Sesampainya di sana, ia bertanya kembali, "Jadi apa yang bisa saya bant...."
Sebelum menyelesaikan kalimatnya, aku segera membalikkan badan dan meninjunya di wajah. Ia tidak sempat menangkis....
10 January 2011
"My name is Lieutenant Aldo Raine, and I'm putting together a special team, and I need me eight soldiers!! Eight HARDROCK - HEAVYMETAL - SOLDIERS...."
"We're gonna be dropped into Jakarta, dressed as civilians. And once we're in enemy territory, we're gonna be doin' one thing and one thing only : Killin' ALAYs...."
"Now I don't know about y'all, but I sure as hell didn't come down to teach the ALAYs lesson in musicality. ALAY ain't got no musicality!!! They're the foot soldiers of Metal-hatin', Ear-murderin' ABABILs and they need to be dee-stroyed!!! That's why any and every son of a bitch we find wearin' an ALAY uniform, such as skinny jeans, they're gonna die..."
"We will be cruel to the ALAYs, and through our cruelty they will know who we are!!! And the ALAYs will be sickened by us, the ALAYs will talk about us, and the ALAYs will fear us..."
"When you join my command, you take on a debit. A debit you owe me personally. Each and every man of my command owes me one hundred ALAY scalps!!! And I want my scalps..."
"And all y'all will get me one hundred ALAY scalps, taken from one hundred dead ALAYs. Or you will die tryin'. Sound good?"
"YES SIR !!!!"
(App4r3ntly L4ck of Ac4d3mic Int3lligence)
Starring :
Ariel Peterpan as Adolf Hitler
Charly ST12 as Gestapo Major Dietr Hellstrom
James Hetfield as Lieutenant Aldo Raine
Dwayne Johnson as Sergeant Donny "The Bear Jew" Donowitz
Dwayne Johnson as Sergeant Donny "The Bear Jew" Donowitz
Anette Olzon as Bridget Von Hammersmark
Amy Lee as Shosanna Dreyfus
Billy Sheehan as Sergeant Hugo Stiglitz
04 January 2011
dimana :
n = Jumlah roti yang gue bawa ke kantor
r = Jumlah roti yang gue makan di kantor
x = Jumlah roti yang diminta oleh rekan kerja tanpa mempertimbangkan ikhlas atau tidaknya pemilik roti
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